Key Points:
  • Increased energy and focus: Some proponents of semen retention believe that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased energy levels and improved focus. By redirecting sexual energy towards other activities, individuals may experience heightened concentration and productivity, which could potentially benefit their work in affiliate marketing.
  • Self-discipline and determination: Practicing semen retention requires self-discipline and willpower. This commitment to abstaining from ejaculation may translate into discipline in other areas of life, including building and growing an affiliate marketing business. The ability to set goals, stick to routines, and remain determined can be advantageous in pursuing entrepreneurial success.
  • Enhanced self-confidence: Some individuals who practice semen retention report increased self-confidence and assertiveness. This boost in self-esteem may contribute to better performance in various aspects of life, including affiliate marketing. Building a successful affiliate marketing business often requires effective communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills, which can be positively influenced by enhanced self-confidence.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that semen retention directly leads to building millions in affiliate marketing, I can provide some general information about semen retention and its potential effects. However, it's important to approach these points with an understanding that they may not directly translate into financial success in affiliate marketing.​
Quick Hits:


It's important to note that the effects of semen retention can vary greatly from person to person, and individual experiences may not align with these general points. Additionally, while semen retention might have potential personal benefits, it should not be considered a guaranteed pathway to achieving financial success in affiliate marketing or any other field.

'In Reverse: Reverse Engineering Your Thinking In Looking to The Future'

Thought of the day: Competition happens at the bottom. The people at the top are collaborating.

The following is a motivational excerpt to move on after women reject men who later become online millionaires:

Rejection can be a difficult experience, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. However, it's important to remember that personal relationships and financial success are two distinct aspects of life. While it may be tempting to attribute the rejection to financial status, it's essential to approach this situation with a broader perspective. Here are some motivational points to consider:
  1. Focus on personal growth: Rejection can be an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. Use the experience as a chance to reflect on yourself, your goals, and your aspirations. Invest in developing your skills, talents, and interests, as this can lead to personal fulfillment and success in various aspects of life.
  2. Pursue your passions: Instead of dwelling on past rejections, channel your energy into pursuing activities and passions that bring you joy and fulfillment. By engaging in activities that genuinely interest you, you're likely to meet like-minded individuals and potentially build meaningful relationships.
  3. Foster a positive mindset: Maintain a positive outlook on life and embrace a growth mindset. Celebrate the achievements of others, including those who have found success online. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and success comes in different forms. Cultivating positivity can help you stay motivated, resilient, and open to new opportunities.
  4. Seek collaboration and support: As the quote suggests, collaboration often occurs among successful individuals. Focus on building strong connections and networking with like-minded individuals who share your interests and aspirations. Engage in communities and groups where you can learn, collaborate, and grow together.
  5. Define success on your own terms: Financial success is just one measure of achievement, and it shouldn't solely define your self-worth. Take the time to reflect on what success means to you personally. Define your own goals, values, and priorities in life, whether they involve relationships, personal growth, making a positive impact, or other meaningful pursuits.
  6. Embrace resilience and persistence: Rejection is a part of life, but it doesn't have to define your future. Develop resilience and persistence by bouncing back from setbacks, learning from failures, and continuing to work towards your goals. Remember that success often requires perseverance and dedication.

Ultimately, it's important to focus on your own personal growth, pursue your passions, and build a fulfilling life for yourself. Financial success may come at any stage of life, and the key is to remain motivated, resilient, and open to the opportunities that lie ahead.

When she comes back after maintaining semen retention and she sees you doing good without her, humble yourself and don't disrespect her. Take her quiet lessons taught by her to you as valuable gems, allowing her rejection to grow your mind to achieve more than worldly riches.