• Business credit cards are not for the feeble-minded entrepreneurs.
  • It's easy to splurge and forget responsibilities after getting a new credit card in the mail with a 'handsome' line of credit.
  • Maximizing your maturity in decision making and spending acutely can help resist temptation and increase your side hustle capital gains.

​ Do you have a side hustle? Are you hunkering down in changing your thought process and getting serious about achieving near future online millionaire status? Are you looking to the future with your side hustle after increasing your lines of credit and receiving new credit cards in the mail for business and personal purposes? If you're determined to get that side hustle going and make it work for you, watch the video above from Bloomberg.com and get inspired MarieForleo.com style to "get that side hustle going."

While it's easy to go haywire in credit card spending, using it wisely and paying your bill before the payment due date will not only increase your credit score, but also assist you in getting in the right mind frame to better manage your side hustle finances. That is, if you're serious about becoming a near future side hustle millionaire.

​ Here's 100 things to think about when using a credit card for your side hustle:

  1. Convenient payment method: Credit cards provide a convenient way to make payments for your side hustle.
  2. Separation of personal and business expenses: Using a credit card allows you to separate your personal and business expenses easily, making financial management simpler.
  3. Improved record keeping: Credit card statements provide a clear record of your business expenses, making it easier to track and categorize your spending.
  4. Access to credit: Credit cards provide access to a line of credit that can be utilized to cover business expenses during lean periods.
  5. Building credit history: Properly managing your credit card can help establish and build your credit history, which can be useful for future financing needs.
  6. Rewards programs: Many credit cards offer rewards programs that allow you to earn cashback, travel points, or other benefits on your business purchases.
  7. Cash flow management: Using a credit card can help you manage your cash flow by deferring payments until your business generates revenue.
  8. Emergency funding: Credit cards can serve as a backup source of funds in case of emergencies or unexpected expenses for your side hustle.
  9. Online transactions: Credit cards are widely accepted for online purchases, allowing you to expand your side hustle's reach and sell to customers globally.
  10. Automatic expense tracking: Credit card statements can be linked to accounting software, automating expense tracking and reducing manual data entry.
  11. Expense categorization: Credit card statements often categorize expenses, making it easier to identify and analyze your side hustle's spending patterns.
  12. Purchase protection: Many credit cards offer purchase protection or extended warranties, providing an added layer of security for your business purchases.
  13. Business credibility: Accepting credit cards as a payment method can enhance your side hustle's credibility and professionalism.
  14. Cashback on business spending: By using a credit card for business expenses, you can earn cashback on purchases and reduce your overall costs. Moreover, using your cashback rewards cash can also help you run Google AdWords and Bing.com paid advertising on "affiliate links," helping you increase your affiliate marketing sales.
  15. Vendor discounts: Some credit cards offer partnerships with vendors, providing exclusive discounts or offers that can benefit your side hustle.
  16. Business expansion: With proper credit card usage, you can leverage credit to invest in business expansion, whether it's purchasing equipment or scaling operations.
  17. Improved cash flow forecasting: Credit card statements provide a clear overview of your expenses, aiding in accurate cash flow forecasting for your side hustle.
  18. Business expense loans: Certain credit cards offer business expense loans with low-interest rates, allowing you to finance larger purchases or projects.
  19. Tax deductions: Credit card statements serve as valuable documentation for business expenses, helping you maximize tax deductions for your side hustle.
  20. Faster payment processing: Accepting credit card payments can expedite your side hustle's payment processing and improve cash flow.
  21. Mobile payment options: Many credit cards are compatible with mobile payment platforms, enabling quick and secure transactions on the go.
  22. International transactions: Credit cards simplify international transactions, allowing you to engage in cross-border business activities with ease.
  23. Travel benefits: Business credit cards often come with travel benefits such as airport lounge access, travel insurance, or hotel discounts, enhancing your business trips.
  24. Expense management tools: Credit card providers offer online portals and mobile apps with expense management tools, making it easier to monitor and control your side hustle's spending.
  25. Easier reimbursement: If you have employees or contractors, using credit cards for business expenses simplifies the reimbursement process, as you can provide statements as proof of payment.
  26. Grace period for payments: Credit cards typically offer a grace period before interest charges apply, allowing you some time to repay your business expenses.
  27. Financial tracking: Credit card statements serve as a financial trail for your side hustle, helping you keep track of spending and income more efficiently.
  28. Cash flow bridge: During slow periods, credit cards can bridge the cash flow gap by providing immediate funds to cover essential business expenses.
  29. Subscription management: Using a credit card for recurring business expenses, such as software subscriptions, makes it easier to manage and track those costs.
  30. Improved vendor relationships: Prompt payment using credit cards can help build stronger relationships with vendors, potentially leading to better terms or discounts.
  31. Business expense control: By centralizing business expenses on a credit card, you gain better control over your side hustle's spending and reduce the risk of overspending.
  32. Emergency travel: If your side hustle requires sudden travel, having a credit card can cover travel expenses without draining your business's cash reserves.
  33. Fraud protection: Credit cards offer robust fraud protection measures, ensuring that your side hustle's finances are safeguarded against unauthorized transactions.
  34. Business analytics: Credit card statements and online portals often provide business analytics tools, allowing you to analyze your side hustle's spending patterns and make data-driven decisions.
  35. Early access to funds: Credit cards provide instant access to funds, enabling you to make time-sensitive purchases for your side hustle without delay.
  36. Credit limit increase opportunities: Responsible credit card usage can lead to credit limit increases, providing more financial flexibility for your growing side hustle.
  37. Credit card financing options: Some credit cards offer promotional financing options, such as zero-interest periods, which can be beneficial for specific business expenses.
  38. Business insurance benefits: Certain business credit cards come with insurance benefits, such as rental car insurance or purchase protection, offering added value to your side hustle.
  39. Online advertising: Credit cards can be used to fund online advertising campaigns, helping you reach a broader audience and promote your side hustle effectively.
  40. Professional invoices: Credit cards allow you to create professional invoices for your side hustle, enhancing your branding and providing a seamless payment experience for clients.
  41. Cash advances: While not ideal, credit cards can provide cash advances in emergencies when immediate access to cash is necessary for your side hustle.
  42. Customer convenience: Accepting credit cards as a payment method provides convenience for your customers, potentially increasing sales and customer satisfaction.
  43. Vendor acceptance: Credit cards are widely accepted by vendors, ensuring you can purchase supplies, inventory, or services for your side hustle without limitations.
  44. Online marketplace integration: Many online marketplaces, such as Etsy or eBay, require a credit card to facilitate transactions, enabling you to sell your products or services on these platforms.
  45. Third-party integrations: Credit card providers often offer integrations with various financial management tools, simplifying your side hustle's bookkeeping and reporting processes.
  46. Customer dispute resolution: Credit card companies can assist with customer disputes, providing a layer of protection and ensuring fair resolutions for your side hustle.
  47. Business travel rewards: Business credit cards often offer travel rewards, such as airline miles or hotel points, allowing you to save on future business trips.
  48. Improved purchasing power: Credit cards provide instant purchasing power, allowing your side hustle to acquire necessary equipment or inventory without delay.
  49. Quick access to credit history: Credit card statements and credit reports offer a quick overview of your side hustle's credit history, which can be useful when applying for loans or other financing options.
  50. Payment reminders: Credit card companies often send payment reminders, helping you stay on top of your side hustle's financial obligations and avoid late fees.
  51. Flexibility in payment terms: Credit cards offer flexible payment terms, allowing you to pay the minimum amount due or the full balance depending on your cash flow needs.
  52. Frequent flyer miles: If your side hustle involves frequent travel, using a credit card that offers frequent flyer miles can save you money on future flights.
  53. Supplier discounts: Some credit cards offer exclusive discounts or cashback rewards when purchasing from specific suppliers, helping you save money on essential business supplies.
  54. Tax-time preparation: Credit card statements provide a clear overview of your side hustle's expenses, simplifying the process of gathering documentation for tax preparation.
  55. Business coaching and resources: Certain credit cards provide access to business coaching, resources, or educational materials, giving you valuable insights and guidance for your side hustle.
  56. Easy access to credit history: Credit card statements and credit reports provide a comprehensive history of your side hustle's credit usage, making it easier to demonstrate creditworthiness to lenders or investors.
  57. Auto rental insurance: Some credit cards offer auto rental insurance coverage, saving your side hustle money on insurance premiums when renting vehicles for business purposes.
  58. Secure online transactions: Credit cards provide robust security measures for online transactions, reducing the risk of fraud or data breaches associated with other payment methods.
  59. Bulk purchases: Using a credit card allows you to make bulk purchases for your side hustle, taking advantage of volume discounts and reducing per-unit costs.
  60. Enhanced financial reporting: Credit card statements often provide detailed expense reports, making it easier to analyze your side hustle's financial performance and identify areas for improvement.
  61. Balance transfer options: If you have existing high-interest debt from your side hustle, you can leverage balance transfer options offered by credit cards to consolidate debt and save on interest charges.
  62. Business cashback: Many credit cards offer cashback rewards specifically tailored for business spending, providing a percentage of your purchases back as cash, effectively reducing your costs.
  63. Expense tracking for tax deductions: Using a credit card for business expenses simplifies tracking deductible expenses, ensuring you don't miss out on valuable tax deductions for your side hustle.
  64. Quick access to working capital: Credit cards provide a readily available source of working capital, enabling your side hustle to seize opportunities or respond to unexpected expenses promptly.
  65. Capitalize on supplier discounts: Some suppliers offer discounts for upfront payments, and using a credit card can allow you to take advantage of those discounts while still preserving your cash flow.
  66. Business-to-business transactions: Credit cards facilitate smooth business-to-business transactions, allowing you to pay suppliers, contractors, or other vendors conveniently.
  67. Build vendor relationships: Consistently using a credit card to pay vendors can help build strong relationships, potentially leading to better terms, discounts, or preferential treatment.
  68. Convenient expense reconciliation: Credit card statements simplify the process of reconciling your side hustle's expenses, reducing the time and effort required for bookkeeping.
  69. Seasonal flexibility: If your side hustle experiences seasonal fluctuations, credit cards can provide the flexibility to cover expenses during slow periods while repaying the balance when revenue increases.
  70. Partner discounts and benefits: Certain credit cards offer partner discounts or benefits with other businesses, providing opportunities for cost savings or strategic partnerships for your side hustle.
  71. Business-to-consumer financing: Offering financing options through credit cards to your customers can increase sales and help your side hustle stand out in a competitive market.
  72. Better supplier negotiations: Having a credit card can enhance your negotiating power with suppliers, as you can demonstrate a reliable and immediate payment method.
  73. Cash flow cushion: Credit cards can serve as a cash flow cushion during periods of delayed customer payments, ensuring your side hustle can continue operating smoothly.
  74. Easier budgeting: By consolidating business expenses onto a credit card, you can create a clear budget for your side hustle and monitor your spending more effectively.
  75. Capitalize on limited-time offers: Some vendors or service providers offer limited-time discounts or promotions, and having a credit card enables you to capitalize on these opportunities swiftly.
  76. Reimbursement protection: If you need to reimburse employees or contractors for business expenses, credit card statements can serve as proof of payment, reducing the risk of fraudulent reimbursement claims.
  77. Cross-border transactions: Credit cards simplify cross-border transactions, allowing your side hustle to engage in international business activities with ease, whether it's importing goods or working with foreign clients.
  78. Enhanced financial reporting: Credit card statements and online portals often provide detailed financial reports, giving you a comprehensive overview of your side hustle's spending patterns and financial health.
  79. Protection against supplier disputes: If a supplier fails to deliver goods or services as agreed, using a credit card can provide an additional layer of protection, allowing you to dispute the transaction and potentially recover your funds.
  80. Improved cash management: By centralizing your side hustle's expenses on a credit card, you can streamline cash management, making it easier to allocate funds for different business needs.
  81. Integration with accounting software: Many credit card providers offer integration with popular accounting software, simplifying the reconciliation process and reducing manual data entry for your side hustle.
  82. Charitable giving: Some credit cards offer charitable giving options, allowing your side hustle to support causes you believe in while also potentially receiving tax benefits.
  83. Easier expense sharing: If you have partners or co-owners in your side hustle, using a credit card for shared expenses simplifies the process of tracking and dividing those costs among stakeholders.
  84. Business-specific perks: Certain credit cards offer business-specific perks, such as discounts on office supplies, travel accommodations, or business services, helping you save money in key areas.
  85. Improved financial discipline: Using credit cards wisely for your side hustle promotes financial discipline, as you need to manage and repay your balances effectively to avoid unnecessary interest charges.
  86. Investor confidence: Proper credit card usage and a positive credit history can instill confidence in potential investors or partners, showcasing your side hustle's financial responsibility and stability.
  87. Business continuity: Credit cards can ensure the continuity of your side hustle's operations during unexpected situations or crises, providing immediate access to funds for essential expenses.
  88. Streamlined inventory management: Using a credit card to purchase inventory streamlines inventory management, as you can easily track purchases, returns, and associated costs.
  89. Professional development opportunities: Some credit cards offer professional development benefits, such as access to business conferences or online courses, enhancing your skills and knowledge for your side hustle.
  90. Cost-saving on currency exchange: When conducting international transactions, credit cards often offer competitive currency exchange rates, helping your side hustle save on foreign exchange fees.
  91. Access to business credit-building tools: Credit cards can provide access to credit-building tools specifically designed for small businesses, helping your side hustle establish a strong credit profile.
  92. Improved cash flow visibility: Credit card statements provide a comprehensive view of your side hustle's cash flow, aiding in better financial planning and decision-making.
  93. Consistent payment history: Using credit cards responsibly for your side hustle establishes a consistent payment history, which can positively impact your credit score and future financing opportunities.
  94. Payment disputes and chargebacks: Credit card companies offer dispute resolution services and chargeback options, protecting your side hustle against fraudulent transactions or unsatisfactory purchases.
  95. Business expense forecasting: By analyzing your side hustle's credit card statements and spending patterns, you can make more accurate expense forecasts, helping you allocate resources effectively.
  96. Branding opportunities: Some credit cards allow you to customize the design or branding of the card, providing a branding opportunity for your side hustle and reinforcing your professional image.
  97. Access to exclusive events: Certain credit cards offer access to exclusive business events, networking opportunities, or industry conferences, allowing you to expand your professional network for your side hustle.
  98. Perks for employee benefits: Business credit cards often provide perks or benefits that can be extended to your employees, such as travel rewards or discounts, enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty.
  99. Supplier payment terms negotiation: Having a credit card can provide leverage when negotiating payment terms with suppliers, potentially securing more favorable payment conditions for your side hustle.
  100. Peace of mind: Using credit cards wisely for your side hustle provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a flexible and reliable financial tool to support your business's growth and stability.

​ If you use your credit cards right for your side hustle and look to the future, the money you're charging with ends up being free money. Your earn your money back from sponsorships, affiliate commissions, passive income streams, and more. This is why it's important to be mindful about what you do now with your business credit cards for your online business, as it'll play a detrimental role in your future profit potential, eliminating or increasing debt.

Remember that you also need to keep your cardiovascular activity "up to snuff" while building out your side hustle, as you'll need ample amounts of energy to build your million dollar onlin e business in this line of work.