1. Getting in the consistent mindset of “prayer”: Prayer changes things. If you’re inconsistent with prayer, 2022 is your time to get back on track with praying on the regular.
  2. Investing in a home treadmill: The good news about home treadmill investing is having the grand ability to get the cardio done in the wee hours of the morning without burning gas and physically making it to the gym. Investing in a treadmill for your apartment, house, condominium or studio loft is one of the best healthcare investments you can make in yourself. Home treadmill investing allows you to have no more excuses for not losing weight. Because now, you're able to hop on the treadmill and invest more time in speeding up your metabolism with quick 20 minute cardiovascular thrusts on the treadmill throughout the day. If you're one of millions of Americans today working from home, you know that working and sitting down for extensive periods of time has a tendency to slow down your metabolism and make you feel lax. When your mind and metabolism starts getting in lacs mode, that's one of the contributing factors toward weight gain. And working from home may also tempt you to eat more fast food, resulting in accelerated weight gain. So making the conscious decision in 2022 and going forward in years to come to invest in a home treadmill is part of the transformation weight loss solution towards getting back on track with staying focused on your healthy weight loss goals. Of course, shelling out the dough for a home treadmill will cost you a very pretty penny. On the flip side, it's a healthy investment made in yourself that'll benefit your mind and body for life.
  3. Switching up all unhealthy eating habits: Maybe you're one of millions of people who possibly became complacent with eating anything you want any time of the day. Maybe you're one of millions of people who wake up in the morning and have a huge breakfast consisting of half a dozen pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns. Or a quick unhealthy sandwich on the go. Or perhaps, eating lots of pizza, Chinese food, fast food, or making frequent visits to the hibachi buffet restaurant. You're eating habits is probably one of many contributing factors that made you gain all that unhealthy weight you're wearing today. Maybe you're one of millions of people who used to be slim and lean with an attractive body and fell off as years went by. Changing your eating habits and cutting out your favorite unhealthy foods will be a turbulent experience to endure in the infancy of your weight loss and diet restructuring transformation. But it has to be something that you truly want to do because you can achieve this at any age. Changing your eating habits by eliminating all unhealthy foods and replacing it with a structured diet plan and eating the right foods will change the history of your human thought process into becoming healthier and eating better years to come. If you replace cheese steaks with grilled chicken, or pizza with salads, those are great ways to edit your current eating habits through determination to stay on track with a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods will surely reduce visits in years to come to the doctor, helping you save money in the long run. Food can be seen as poison or as medicine because it's the choices you make that determine what kind of foods affect you. Making the right choices and eating the right foods you're supposed to eat not only help heal your body and assist you in the weight loss process, but will help your mind grow spiritually and entrepreneurly. You are what you eat.
  4. Eliminate smoking marijuana: Did you know every time you smoke weed you hurt your own lungs and impair your health? Marijuana consumption by smoking is the way to destroy your lungs going forward into your senior years. You need your lungs to completely inhale oxygen. You need your lungs to prepare for 26.2 MI marathons. You need your lungs to help you breathe efficiently while sitting in a room with many people potentially infected with covid-19. You need your lungs to help you achieve those morning weight loss cardio walks at your local park. Smoking weed on the regular will not only hurt your lungs in the long run, but it'll also contribute as years go by to unhealthy weight gain. Frequent marijuana consumption also gives you the munchies to the point where you break all your healthy eating rules and eat whatever you want at the moment because you're high off of marijuana. Many people who walk around extremely obese today are weed smokers and became complacent in their lifestyle. For men who regularly consume marijuana, the herb contributes to not just weight gain, but also potentially contributes to the forming of gynecomastia - man boobs. How so? Men who frequently smoke marijuana lower their testosterone and raise estrogen in them. And if you didn't already know, estrogen is a female hormone. Making the healthy decision to put down the marijuana-filled blunts and getting back on track with your workout and goals, in addition to eating right and not smoking marijuana anymore, will help you regain memory, reduce brain fog, lose weight, avoid binge eating, and so much more. While smoking marijuana is highly addictive and leads to health issues, avoiding the inhalation of the earth through smoking may also help potentially reverse the yellow stains on your teeth and bad breath. Eliminating marijuana from your life altogether in the New Year 2022 is a great way to regain control of your mind and body. But it's your choice to make the healthy decision now by putting the spliff down.
  5. Dissolving relationships with people who have bad habits: To think that your inner association of people you affiliate with affect your life one way or another? In other words, it could be co-workers, family members, friends, your next door neighbor, the person you're dating, or even your fiance could have a bad habit that's hindering your spiritual and physical growth. Dissolving that relationship in the New Year can help you get back on track with achieving healthy goals, such as losing weight, getting in the best shape of your life through exercise and good solid nutrition, going back to college to complete your degree, and perhaps motivate you to start your own business. If you have an inner circle of people who negatively affect you through conversation, bad habits, arrogance, or trying to show off, it's time to distance yourself respectively from those kinds of people. It doesn't mean parting ways with a person or people on bad terms. In the New Year 2022, you're just making the conscious decision to better yourself by changing your inner circle and respectfully distancing yourself from certain people. No, you're not becoming an enemy of the people or family members you're distancing yourself from. You're in the transition of making all kinds of healthy changes and examining yourself. By e changing your inner circle or semi-isolating yourself from others who adversely impact your thinking, you're allowing yourself to have inner peace and move forward in the new year of making all kinds of healthy changes. If you used to hang around a circle of friends or family members who constantly consumed marijuana and you start distancing yourself from them because they have this bad habit, sooner or later, your mind will start adjusting to the withdrawal of no longer consuming marijuana and feel less tempted to smoke weed. If you disassociate yourself with family members, coworkers or friends who judge others because of their life circumstances, chances are distancing yourself from those kinds of people who are judgmental will inspire you to become less judgmental. This is why it's always a good thing to examine yourself and change your inner association of people that you affiliate with because the people you keep around you impact your mind and body one way or another.
  6. Parting ways with two-faced family members who front you often make themselves look good in the eyes and minds of others: Family is not always supportive. Family is supposed to be in an immediate in-house support system that offers unconditional support emotionally, spiritually, entrepreneurially, etc. Coming out from among two-faced family members and standing alone in the uncertain game called life should be one of your new year mantra objectives. Distancing yourself from slanderous and jealous family members who had it out for you since childhood due to jealousy and in the of you being a peculiar person is good for your spirit and future business endeavors. Parting ways with family members who have it out for you allows you to clear your mind entrepreneurially, setting the stage for you to use their negativity to build a future million-dollar online business. Moreover, parting ways with family members as one of your New Year’s goals allows you to “examine yourself,” spiritually and entrepreneurially. Examining yourself consists of analyzing the content of your heart, additionally to strengths and weaknesses on a spiritual and business level. Examining yourself also consists of how well you can accept adversity coming from family members, dealing with hard blows and transforming those hard blows coming from two-faced family members into unlimited spiritual growth. And unlimited passive streams of income thanks to their negativity. One thing 2-faced family members still think about is the one they look at in an awkward manner is the one they’re secretly building up subliminally to the point of making them spiritually and entrepreneurially “really really rich.” Becoming [really really rich] doesn’t always consist of financial gain. When you make up your mind to part ways with phony family members and get your mind right across the board, you’ll be glad later down the road that you made the conscious decision to better yourself by quietly doing away with negative family members, and ignoring them when you see them in passing in public.
  7. Stop worrying about “what people think,” and careless about “your rep and your image”: While some people are concerned about the way look in front of others and secretly worry about what others think and how people view that person, a spiritually and entrepreneurially mature person doesn’t have a care in the world about [what people think]. You can’t worry about what people think when you’re striving for excellence spiritually to better yourself across the board. You can’t worry about what people think before and after starting a side hustle-online business-remote work from home Internet based business. People, and especially family members, will talk about you negatively behind your back to bring you down. Family members don’t want to see you rise up above them and excel spiritually and entrepreneurially. Coworkers don’t want to see you become your fullest entrepreneurial potential. This is the reason why you need not to be concerned about what people think. This is why you need to change your mindset and be determined in 2022 going forward, that you will work tirelessly to be the best you in every positive way possible. Focusing on how people view you and what they think puts you in a “people pleasing mindset.” A “people pleaser” is someone who tries to please everyone. Truth of the matter is, the flash will never be satisfied in a “worldly” sense. The independent thinker doesn’t have a care in the world about what people think and is seen as a peculiar-weirdo, as they feel content and work independently in standing alone and not with the crowd. When you get out of the [your rep and your image] way of thinking and do what’s necessary to bring your better self to surface, great things happen in excelling spiritually and entrepreneurially. The new year allows you to reset yourself-everything you’re all about, with the opportunity to begin again in your life transformation. Don’t let 2022 go by and you’re still carrying the same emotional and physical bondage from yesteryear.
  8. Getting out of the traditional employee mindset: In the heyday, you could graduate from high school with an academic diploma and go straight to work with job security until retirement. The world we live in today is different from the 1950s and 1960s “also known as the prohibition and Woodstock psychedelic eras.” Working paycheck to paycheck is something millions of people only know, hoping to reach retirement and retire on a small pension check and Social Security income. With the immediate availability of the Internet and the instant opportunity to start a work from home based side hustle, it allows everyday people with a day job to get out of the traditional employee mindset and start a home-based online business. Affiliate marketing and blogging is the simplest way to get started online with 0% online marketing experience, giving you the grand opportunity to get out of the traditional employee mindset and start making money online through affiliate programs and Google AdSense through a process of “content creation.” Consistent content creation and doing what you do as a labor of love as a work from home based side hustle for 2 to 3 years will not only get you out of the traditional employee mindset, but also potentially position you to earn steady streams of passive income to the point of relying less on your day job.
  9. Getting more of a good night’s sleep: Cutting off food and drink 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep will help you sleep more at night. Good news is, if you get it in the consistent mindset in the new year 2022 of cutting off drink and food before going to bed 2 to 3 hours ahead of schedule, it’ll also help you lose weight. And if you must eat something before going to bed, a few bananas might help you sleep deeper at night, as bananas contain potassium and an amino acid called L-tryptophan.
  10. Losing weight: Maybe you're one of millions of people across the world overweight and sluggish with energy who's been walking around for decades with sagging fat. Your overweight lifestyle possibly made you feel content in being who you were - fat. Many overweight people who became content with living obese possibly felt no hope that they could reverse their situation and lose weight. Truth is, as long as you have a willing mind to make healthy changes and do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation, yes, you can achieve weight loss at any age and motivate others to get on board with weight loss transformations. A weight loss transformation can be accomplished by anyone with a determined mind to make healthy changes by changing their diet plan, cutting out unhealthy food and avoiding hibachi buffet restaurants, avoiding sweet tooth temptations, and sticking to the script of losing weight long-term through consistent visits to the gym. With January 2022 already here, it gives your mind and body the ample opportunity to reset itself by revisioning your weight loss fitness goals, and starting fresh from scratch in 2022 by making the healthy determination to do the transformation weight loss work out of inspiration or desperation.