Fast Facts:
  • The willingness to change the way you think helps you achieve more than losing weight and making money in the new year as part of your New Year's resolution in 2022.
  • Make it a positive health habit to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and hit the treadmill at home or at your local gym for 20 min. to one hour, resting one hour afterwards without having food or drink. This will help you burn additional stored body fat by not eating or drinking for one hour after completing morning cardio on an empty stomach.
  • Hold onto your day job while building your side hustle. If you've been on the job for 20 years and working toward your 25 year retirement and make your first million dollars online from your side hustles before your 25 year retirement approaches, don't quit your day job just because you recently became a "side hustle millionaire." Keep working toward your 25 year retirement goal and stay focused in 2022 on your side hustle goals.

  1. Getting yourself right spiritually: It’s virtually the hardest thing to do on earth. Getting right spiritually requires getting out of your fleshy and emotional comfort zone. Letting go of some friends. Letting go of past memories. Ceasing from listening to worldly music. Refusing to be a partaker in spiritually immature conversation. Ceasing from smoking marijuana. Ceasing altogether from alcohol consumption. Obeying magistrates in adhering to speed laws. Dressing appropriately and not letting your underwear be indirectly-subliminally advertised in public “pull your pants up.” Breaking down the stony heart through fasting and prayer. Committing yourself to achieving spiritual excellence with the intent of experiencing joy in losing friends and family support. Having a willingness to continually move forward in the uncertain game called life when your employer, coworkers, members of your own household, and the person you’re possibly dating now “switches up” on you. Having a willingness to completely forget people who bring you down spiritually, including family members, and acting as if you never knew them by walking past them in passing and never turning your head around to look a second time. Learning from your past experiences and seeing the good in what those lessons specifically taught you, in efforts of keeping you spiritually motivated today.
  2. Forgiving others for past wrongs: Forgiveness is a bitter pill to swallow. It’s easy to say that you forgive someone but truly in your heart don’t. To forgive someone doesn’t mean you’re willing to forget what they did to you. Forgiving someone means you pardon them for their wrongdoing often without befriending them a second time around. Forgiving people is mandatory if you want to excel spiritually and entrepreneurially. The beauty of forgiveness is that it allows your mind to be set free from the bondage of revenge. When you wake up spiritually, you understand the ironclad fact that you cannot take revenge on someone for wronging you. While it may take you months or possibly decades to forgive someone, it doesn’t mean that you go back and do the former things you get with that person just because you forgive them. You can forgive someone and not trust them. You can forgive someone and not be friends with them again. Forgiveness should be felt in your heart towards a person to the point that if you see that person on the verge of being hit by a vehicle in the street or about to be hit by a car, you should be willing to jump in and save that person. You’ll be surprised at the many things you can achieve if you forgive a person for the wrong they’ve done you. Believe it or not, the person that wronged you may possibly use others to keep tabs on your life progress, by snooping on your social media profiles on,,, and elsewhere across the World Wide Web, as a quiet ploy to see “how good you’re doing without them in your life.” Just because the person wronged you doesn’t mean they’re not keeping tabs on you to this very day “through other people.” (Food for thought)
  3. Adjusting to the healthy eating and long term diet mindset: When you’ve gone months or decades living life the way you want on your own terms by saying or doing anything you want any time of the day, it also includes eating whatever you want any time of the day. This type of mindset is what contributes to excessive weight gain. Gaining weight not only comes from unhealthy eating, but also comes from emotional eating, stress, eating before going to sleep, eating after smoking marijuana, etc. Losing weight and adjusting to healthy eating patterns is not an overnight operation. As part of your New Year’s resolution in 2022, you should make up your mind that this is your year to shine in your fitness and spiritual transformation. Doing the transformation work out of “inspiration or desperation” by adjusting to longer-term diet patterns is a great way to get yourself back on track with your workout," target="new" rel="nofollow">healthy eating goals, and sticking to the script of losing weight and getting in your better shape by eating right. Committing yourself to healthy eating patterns not only helps you get that small waistline you once had in your teenage years and early 20s, but long-term healthy eating patterns through a strict diet will open your mind entrepreneurially to the point of starting a future million-dollar online business. When you lose weight and feel yourself getting back on track physically as you rebuild yourself into wearing a lean body, your mind and body will start to retain more energy for achieving more goals throughout the day. As you build up your energy levels, you’ll soon come to discover that you have more energy to the point of starting a future million-dollar work from home Internet based business. With the newfound energy coming back on track from sticking to the script of your weight loss transformation, you profit threefold by renewing your spiritual vision for righteousness, losing weight, and building a future million-dollar remote work based Internet business simultaneously. So you achieve more than one thing by committing yourself to eating right. When you take things one day at a time and commit daily to eating healthy, the mindset will kick in overtime whereas this will become second nature to you, thus feeling less tempted to eat unhealthy food.
  4. Hitting the treadmill in the morning for year round weight loss: 2022 is your year for forced spiritual, physical and business growth. But it’s your choice to make the commitment and do the transformation work out of “inspiration or desperation.” Doing the transformation work out of [inspiration or desperation] may require you to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and hit the treadmill on an empty stomach for 20 min. To one hour. Maybe you’re one of millions of people across the world walking around overweight for decades or months." target="new" rel="nofollow">Hitting the treadmill in the morning for at least six weeks for 20 min. to one hour daily 3 to 5 days a week will get your mind back on track with your “weight loss transformation goals.” It’s easy to fall off track due to life circumstances and gain unhealthy weight. But as you lose weight by consistently hitting the treadmill in the morning with the intent of losing all the unhealthy weight in 2022 by starting the new year off on the “right foot,” you’re making a healthy investment in your mental and physical transformation. Getting started now and sticking to the script of losing weight by hitting the treadmill will get your mind re-railed to the point of never missing a heartbeat of getting your cardio done. Moreover, as your mind and body starts to release unhealthy fat, you’ll gain a greater respect for life by feeling happier and having a healthier outlook, spiritually and entrepreneurially. The weight loss you achieve in 2022 will not only help you feel better about yourself spiritually and entrepreneurially, but your newfound weight loss through commitment of staying on the treadmill will quietly command people to see you in a different light. One of the best ways of sticking to the script of losing weight year-round is through investing in a home treadmill. A home treadmill is the best healthcare investment anyone can make.
  5. Getting out of the paycheck to paycheck mindset and starting a remote work based side hustle: Most people who went to work straight from high school or college only know the employee mindset. That is, getting up in the morning and going to work. And working paycheck to paycheck for most of their working careers. Getting out of the paycheck to paycheck mindset can be challenging in the infancy of your employee to entrepreneur transformation. Getting out of the paycheck to paycheck mindset can also be challenging, especially when you’re used to shopping at places like Macy’,,,,, and other fine department stores as soon as Friday-payday arrives, possibly leaving you broke by Monday. Starting a side hustle working from home through a remote work based online business should be one of your mandatory objectives to achieve in 2022. Why? With the great resignation and covert 19 running at full strength, it leaves millions of people throughout America and the world seeking an alternative method for generating passive income without working a physical job around people. Working online through side hustles from the comfort of your home through your laptop or desktop computer in your spare time is the way to get out of the paycheck to paycheck mindset. When you commit yourself to achieving the 2022 objective of getting out of the paycheck to paycheck mindset and starting a remote work -based side hustle, not only are you doing something as a labor of love from the heart, but you’re also creating a secondary source of passive income that’ll help you to pay off student loan debt, pay off credit cards, purchase a new car in the near future, and work toward purchasing your dream home. The revenue you generate through your side hustle can also help you get into the real estate industry. Don’t look at a home-based side hustle as something just to generate a few hundred bucks monthly. If you have a good paying job and decide to start a side hustle in 2022, respect your employer by committing to going up balls and beyond for the job they hired you to do. Show up to work one time. Do as you’re told. Don’t give any pushback. But be mindful to save part of your paycheck so you can invest in growing passive income by starting a work from home based side hustle in 2022.

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