unemployment and cash for vaccines

Jobless claims in the United States fell significantly. As Americans are slowly coming back to the workforce and rebounding to the office, others are still working from home by starting their work from home based digital marketing operations. Unemployment is predicted to be possibly below 5% by the end of 2021. While jobs are opening again to be filled by prospective job seekers,it also opens the grand opportunity for job seekers to negotiate better salaries. Why? Employers are looking to fill job openings immediately, as some are willing to kowtow to the salary requirements of qualified job applicants.the pandemic has also become a blessed opportunity for creative entrepreneurs to use the adversity of unemployment to not only start their own businesses with the intent on providing value to people, but also positioned themselves to being near future “side hustle millionaires.”

Cash for vaccine injections is about to come to a screeching halt. Yes, many employers are currently handing out cash incentives for getting the coronavirus vaccine. Some employees or new hires allegedly receiving the vaccine incentives are possibly saving the money not just to pay off personal debt, but using the vaccine incentive money to start their own businesses. Savvy, everyday working class people are using the vaccine money and saving up additional monies from their paychecks to make the successful transition into “side hustle entrepreneurship.” This is potentially one of many reasons why employers will potentially come to a screeching halt in the near future in giving out “Covid-19 cash incentives.”