California is being blitzed with the Coronavirus like Germans sought to blitz Coney Island Broolyn, Far Rockaway, Long Island sound, and Manhattan's Hudson river back in the 1940's.

The virus is "moving in silence."

Coronavirus has the entire world worried. It allegedly started in China, though it's still uncertain of the origin of the virus.

If you've ever seen the movie 28 days later, you remember it was a simple movie to watch, whereas the people of London was quarantined. An airborne virus dominated the European union.

People with the virus ran around like devilish hyenas looking for clean uninfected people to bite. It was a virus that rattled throughout London that left uninfected people running for their lives and virtually walking on egg shells. Coronavirus is somewhat similar to the movie 28 days later.

When will America and the world returned to normal? When will businesses open? When will there be a coronavirus vaccine? Is the coronavirus a sham?

To be or not to be…