This is commentary that doesn't reflect any advertiser's opinion and is solely DNN's open speech - thoughts:

Ever wonder why most people never upgrade themselves completely in life and stay in the same position year in and year out? It's because most people are chasing the idea of trying to keep up with the Joneses.

They purchase every new Michael Jordan Nike air retro sneaker that graces the market. They have to have the newest fashion when it drops in retail department stores. They have to have a brand-new car to look good before people when they can barely afford the car note.

Truth: most people stay broke it never make it by moving out of the hood because they worry about spending too much money to look good on the surface, when in actuality they're struggling financially. If you're one of those people reading this post and feel offended, that's a good thing. The good news is, bogus post is not directly talking about you and you may possibly feel offended, it's never too to change your way of thinking. Changing your way of thinking can improve your financial status and possibly put you in a prominent position of moving out of the hood.

Maybe it's time for you to consider a side hustle and invest more money into starting a business and advertising your business versus buying every new Nike air retro Michael Jordan sneaker that comes out on the market for sale. Maybe it's time for you to take the "side hustle" seriously.

What exactly is the side hustle? The side hustle is the process of using the power of the Internet to make money online potentially 24 hours a day from "affiliate marketing and blogging." Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting other people's products and services on the Internet through using your unique the advertiser provides to you, and using blogging as a means of expressing your thoughts in a blog post affiliated ads on your blog as a means of making money. When people click ads on your blog and make a purchase or download something, you earn what's called an "affiliate commission." This is one of many ways you can involve yourself in an "online side hustle," and make money using the Internet versus wasting money and buying every new pair Michael Jordan sneakers that comes out.

Just think to yourself… Michael Jordan sneakers virtually start at around $200. If you save $200 every month for six months, you have yourself $1200 of readily available discretionary income, right? Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook started the site with only $1000 out of his dorm room before becoming an online billionaire. that was said to say that it doesn't take much money to start up online. And that was also said because you are probably one of many people who waste money on buying every new. Michael Jordan sneakers that hits the market for sale. Unless you're writing reviews on Michael Jordan sneakers on your blog or website and making money from it by providing affiliate links to people looking to purchase Jordan sneakers and earning an affiliate commission from discussing Michael Jordan sneakers on your blog or website with promoting affiliate links on your blog or website to Michael Jordan sneakers for sale, you're pretty much wasting your money because you're not making your money back from the Jordans you just bought. there is no purpose of stacking Jordans in your closet if you can barely afford your mortgage or rent or living with someone. start saving your money and start your online side hustle "with no delay," change your way of thinking and "get organized." There's millions of dollars quietly waiting to be earned online with affiliate marketing and blogging!