Have you or someone you know had packages stolen from your front porch, side door, or backyard before after the delivery man left your goods at your residence? Most people have. Sadly, packages are still stolen even with a security camera installed on your property. Though the camera may catch crooks on video while stealing you packaged goods, it stills doesn’t stop them from taking what’s rightfully yours. The only way they can get away with the goods is if the pit bulls or attack dogs have a good relationship with the delivery man and are nice to him at the time he arrives with your boxes, and mean to strangers when they come near your residence.

Amazon as a new game plan for helping customers prevent packages from theft. Their new strategy is 100% iron-clad proof because it forces thieves to not only retire from this line of work for making money and seek honest work, but it also helps customers of Amazon have a piece of mind knowing goods and services they ordered online are successfully delivered after their hard earned money is spent.

Amazon’s new strategy involves putting packages in the trunks of customers. A special application gives Amazon legal permission put packages in the trunks of cars, SUVs, and small trucks of Amazon customers. Most thieves won’t have a clue at all what car belongs to who and if the vehicle has a package.

Thwarting the minds of thieves is Amazon’s mantra. The new strategy imposed by the company will not only help the company save millions of dollars, but potentially increase market share and IPO. Most importantly, the new strategy by Amazon will keep customers happy and subliminally entice frequent shopping on the world’s most popular marketplace.