#HealthyEating #meals of #portionsize is good for the #metabolism - www.drewrynewsnetwork.com

Maybe your New Year's goal is to lose weight and get healthy. Perhaps lose belly fat. Take a few inches off of your waist. Get in the mindset of thinking, eating, and living healthy across the board. It all starts with eating right. And not only eating right, but eating portion sized healthy meals. Did you know when you portion size healthy meals and spread them out throughout the day you put yourself in the grand position to boost your metabolism and increase the potential to lose weight in longevity? And not only lose weight, but lose more weight and more inches off of your waistline weekly.

Portioned sized meals allow you to:
  • lose weight long-term
  • sleep better at night
  • boost the potential to accelerate monthly weight loss goals and exceed them
  • improved mental clarity
  • boost feelings of wellness
  • fills the void to eat unnecessary food
  • reduces sleep apnea
  • build lean muscle
  • helps the beauty and body feel lighter when running on the treadmill or participating in marathons
  • increase protein absorption
  • helps you stay on track with long-term healthy eating objectives

And the list goes on. Did you know when you make ultimate choice to get rid of the un-authorized food currently in your life and decide to eat right you're actually making a healthcare investment in yourself for the rest of your life and reduce your visits to the doctor? Natural foods of the earth heal the body and are made for your general well-being. This is why it's important portion size your meals where your protein and carbohydrates should be no more than the size of a clenched fist. Your protein should be no more than 5 ounces. You can always measure out your protein sources by acquiring a small food scale particularly from Walmart, eBay, or possibly your local supermarket such as Acme or ShopRite.

It's also a good idea to purchase your food in bulk because you save money when you purchase food in mass quantities and put yourself in a position to meal prep 2 to 3 days in advance which will help you to stay on track with your healthy eating objectives.

Lastly, don't forget to consume water on a daily basis and to have your water infused with Bragg apple cider vinegar "with the Mother."