1. Invest in a domain name
2. Reserve dedicated web hosting for your online business
3. Install WordPress onto your dedicated server or ask youre web hosting provider to do so
4. Start blogging about a topic you love talking about
5. Join affiliate networks and place relevant adverts on your WordPress blog

While most people don't have a clue how to get started online with a side hustle, blogging is by far the simplest method to getting started making money from your blog posts. A blog is a weblog that allows people from all corners of the Earth to see what you've written. When you blog, you're using the simplest way to make money online from affiliate marketing and blogging. This is the best cost effective way of starting a side hustle under $1,000.

Search engines reward consistent bloggers who post blogs daily or every other day. Moreover, Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com reward unique content creators-bloggers for the length of their blog posts. The longer the pages, the better the search engine rankings, shares from blog readers to social networks resulting in free advertising, and increase affiliate income potential from promoting affiliate programs on blogs.

If you're looking for a way out from the regular 9 to 5 day job scene and transition to a full-time digital nomad, blogging is the way to creating an independent path to side hustle entrepreneurship.